The Wolf Triathlon Sprint Duathlon Relay

The Wolf Triathlon

Sprint Duathlon Relay

Overall Finish List

July 29, 2023

Results By RaceWire
                                               -Age Group--  ------- Run1 -------       T1     ------- Bike -------       T2     ------- Run2 -------       Total  
 Place  Name                     Bib  Age Gend   Pos Group    Rnk     Time   Pace      Time     Rnk     Time   Pace      Time     Rnk     Time   Pace        Time  
    1  Panda Duo                 108   24   M      1:Overall    1      8:21.0 8:21      9:27.9    1   1:00:42.0 4:14                3   1:24:35.227:17    1:41:40.7
    2  Team Prince               147   80   M      2:Overall    2      9:49.2 9:49                                     1:06:30.7    1     27:19.1 8:49    1:43:39.1
    3  Running On Empty          146   55   F      1:Overall    3     10:12.110:12      1:03.1    2   1:08:11.2 4:45      0:44.9    2     30:08.4 9:43    1:50:19.8